1:50 Testosterone levels 19:12 Jake gets confronted by security in his hotel 25.00 Nexus Press vs Zero Press 35.56 Meeting the Stocky’s team Jessica and... Continue reading
Key Discussion Points: Robby Denning slowly gets red-pilled on the power of wildcatting. The optimal method to engage an animal. 6UM vs. 270 WSM Tikka... Continue reading
*Disregard the first 1:15 seconds after the intro, as someone (Ryan) forgot to press the start button on the mics Though Ryan and Jake seem... Continue reading
Matt Alwine has solidified his reputation within the shooting and hunting community as a preeminent expert in precision and has won countless matches throughout the... Continue reading
While it’s true that many hunters struggle shooting accurately in real life scenarios, there is a clear opportunity for improvement within our community. Our shooting... Continue reading
Aaron Davidson is the founder and CEO of Gunwerks and has pushed the industry to new heights. We cover ballistic performance, cartridges, stocks, hunting, and... Continue reading
The 2023 Nightforce ELR Steel Challenge has finally concluded, and the guys learned a lot. Tune in to hear the good, the bad, and the... Continue reading
Wiser Precision offers innovative products designed to meet the specific requirements of both backcountry and precision hunters. They comprise a dedicated team of five hardworking... Continue reading
This is Part 2 of our original Nightforce ELR Steel Challenge Podcast. As of today (5/8/2023), we’re en route to Wyoming with air in our... Continue reading